Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bedding Worth Working For

While I'm often guilty of giving my children too much, sometimes I hold back dying desires to spoil, spoil, spoil, and make then earn things for themselves. Last year Aubrie spent countless hours doing laundry, chores, etc, and saving every dime of her allowance to earn enough money for a DS. Now this is what she is working hard for. Last week we were walking in Target and she found this bedding. She pleaded and begged, but I told her she would have to buy it herself. I told her her bedding was in perfect condition and it would not be smart for Mom and Dad to spend our money on something that wasn't needed. She complained that she never picked out her current bedding and that is was to juvenile for her. (It was a valid argument since she had no say in her room, but she wasn't complaining either when I got it all). None the less, I told her she would have to earn money if she wanted it. Since then, that's all she has been thinking about. She keeps looking at it online, making sure it's still there. In the meantime, she has had two lemonade stands to earn money. Saturday she sat out for 2 1/2 hours (as soon as she got home from soccer) and she earned 36 dollars. I was quite surprised that she had earned so much! That was after paying us for the lemonade and cups and giving a dollar to Ethan. Monday wasn't as successful. It was rainy and there wasn't as much traffic. I was proud of her that she didn't throw in the towel immediately. After splitting it with Ethan, she ended up with 2 dollars. Her response when I said sorry it didn't work out so well.. "That's OK, something is better than nothing". She is looking forward to another successful Saturday.

Here is my little secret. We already have purchased her bedding. We are keeping it hidden, so when she gets the money we will already have it for her! There has been several days that I have wanted to take it out of Ben's trunk and put it on her bed, and surprise her. I start rationalizing and saying, "she had earned so much already", or "she deserves it because she is doing so well at staying on top of her grades and all her other responsibilities", etc, etc. I then come to my senses, remembering that this experience is good for her, and will help her when she is older.
This makes me think of our Heavenly Father. I'm sure he wants to give us everything we want because he loves us and loves to see us happy. But he is wise and realizes that somethings we must wait for, because it teaches us patience, and we will also appreciate things more that we work hard for. Now if I can only remember that when I'm praying to him saying, "Why can't I have this now!" LOL
Here is to my sweet daughter who will remember when she worked hard for her bedding each time she gets in it, and a Mother who will learn that teaching your child the value of hard work is more rewarding than giving them everything!