Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blessing the Cat!

School starts tomorrow! I hate it. We have had so much fun with the kids this summer and now school is going to get in the way of continuing that fun. I know that the kids are all very excited for tomorrow and have already laid out there new clothes for the first day of school. Boston is really excited becuase he gets to wear his new shoes and clothes. It has become a tradition to give the children priesthood blessings at the beginning of the school year. This year was no exception. The kids all took turns getting blessings. They were each excited to hear what their blessing would be and what they could look forward to.

I started with Aubrie and then blessed each of the children in order. Before we started we spoke about the priesthood and the importance of the priesthood. I hope that Boston and Ethan understand and appreciate the priesthood and work hard to attain it. The kids really enjoyed the blessings. As we finised with the blessings and continued discussing the new schedule for the new year I looked over at Sophia. Sophia had her hands on the cats head and was quietly giving Tilly a blessing. She even finished the blessing correctly. I guess that she had been paying attention to what had been going on! We all got a great laugh out of that. Sophia got a little embarassed, but did not mind and continued blessing the cat. After blessings were done I looked at the kids and told them the only thing that really makes a blessing successful is to finish with ice cream. The kids were all excited and ran into the kitchen to start building their ice cream dreams. We all had ice cream and sat around talking. It was a great time. The kids then ran outside quickly to get one last game of teetherball in before bed. I doubt the kids are going to sleep very well tonight with thinking about school tomorrow. I pray that they will have a wonderful, exciting and safe school year. I am sure they will. We are so lucky to have each of the children that we do. They are all a wonderful blessing to our lives and each one of them is essential to the eternal happiness of our family.