Thursday, October 6, 2011

All In "The Program"

This year was Sophia's first year in the Primary Program, and Aubrie's last year. So it was a bit bitter-sweet for me. I was so grateful, however, that I was lucky enough to have all my kids in the program at least for one year. All the kids, but Boston, were sitting on the same side, and luckily we could see Boston up on the top row, so I spent the whole time trying to give them all equal "looking" time! That was a lot of work! LOL

Aubrie had to give a talk. Her talk was on "How choosing the right has blessed her life". She spoke about certain standards she has kept that will help her keep the Strength of Youth standards when she is a Young Women. She told about her decision not dance at a Sunday recital when she was four, and her decision to call and ask if she could watch a particular PG 13 movie, when she was at birthday party a few years back. She did a GREAT job! We had several people tell us that.
Boston and Ethan did very well with their parts. Boston memorized his, and Ethan read his. They both looked really sharp in their suits! They both sang all the songs and knew all the words. Ethan's class had a special singing part, and Ethan got a bit shy then, but I could still hear him. During the program all the boys sang "Praise to the Man." Ethan and Boston sang their loudest then. The Spirit was strong when all the young boys sang that song!
Sophia was a hit! She stood in the front the and she sang louder than anyone. She knew a lot of the words, and just faked the ones she didn't know. Not only did she sing, but she rocked back and forth to the music as she sang. She also memorized her part, and said it loud and clear. Everyone was talking about her, and I could even overhear people that didn't know she was my daughter talking about that "cute girl in the pink polka dot dress that sang louder than everyone." My Mom was loving it, as it reminded her of me at that age! I could see her tear up in the back. Sophia really enjoyed being up there, and you could see it. I hope she doesn't lose that zeal for life, and not caring about what others think. Even though they all just adore her!
By the end of the Program I was exhausted from laughter.
Oh, one of the funniest things about the program was when one of the Deacons picked up a piece of bread that fell on the ground and put it back in the tray. We were glad he wasn't passing to us!