Thursday, October 6, 2011

Madrid Soccer/ Music Graduation

In between our two trips to California, Ben slipped in another trip of his own, as he met up with Chad Snow for the Real Madrid/ Chivas Mexico Soccer game. Both of them served their missions in Spain, and he invited Ben to the game. I was excited that he could go! He had a great time, especially since Madrid won 4-0!!

As the summer was winding down, so was Ethan's music class. He has been in the Let's Play Music program. It is a three year program, but fortunately he was able to do the two year accelerated program, and he graduated the end of July! At the end of the program they compose/write their own song. I'm so proud of his originality, and love for music. He doesn't love to sing, but he really likes to play the piano, and make up his own stuff. I'm glad he stuck with it. He was the only boy in his class! He is now in piano and doing great. I hope he sticks with that! At the graduation all the kids had to play the song they wrote. When he played his, he was standing and moving his legs. He was FEELING it! The parents got a good kick out of it. What a funny boy! LOVE HIM!
On a side note, here is the "eco friendly" robot Ethan made at Robot camp. He also made a real robot. He had a great time. Notice him in his gymnastics jersey. He loved taking gymnastics. He is strong and fearless. He made the team over the summer. Once soccer started it was way too much. Then mad science conflicted and he chose mad science instead of gymnastics. He was sad when they cancelled mad science!