Friday, October 7, 2011

LIfe is Busy! Life is Good!

Life is at a pace I can't seem to keep up with these days. There is always a laundry list of "to do's" that sit there not getting touched. I think its the first time Ben has asked me to spend money, and I'm not doing it. He wants me to find new family room furniture, a new bed for our new heavenly Marriot mattress, and tile for our laundry room. I'm lucky to get the bed made, do the laundry, and have the family room picked up. It's not like I'm sitting around doing nothing. I'm always busy. A day seems like its over before it begins. There is always something. I feel accomplished if I get out of my work out clothes and in the shower before noon.

That is one thing that is taking up my time, but I need it! I have been hitting the gym hard. I think I'm repenting from a slothful summer. My friend called me a few weeks ago to join her for a boot camp. It is HARD, but I am loving the results. I always feel better when I work out. I usually work out after the kids go to school. I would love to do mornings and get it over with, but we have 6:30 scripture study. Yesterday I realized this is our 3rd school year doing it. I'm so happy that we have stuck with it. I know they don't get something out of it every morning, but it sets a good tone, and gets them in a good habit.
Aubrie has to leave her at 7:45, the boys leave at 8:25, and unless Sophia has school, I am out the door. There is always some errand to be run, and before I know it, its noon. Sophia still naps around 1:00, so that gives us about an hour for lunch. I usually try to do a reading lesson with her at that time. I am using this great book my friend told me about. I wish I knew about it when I had Aubrie. It's an amazing program and Sophia is already learning to read. She is so excited, because she LOVES books. Ethan and Sophia are my lovers of books. Ethan reads every night, without being asked. He LOVES to learn!
The kids all get home around 3:45 and then its crazy busy! Aubrie has gymnastics three times a week. Two nights she goes three hours and the other, she goes two. Sophia does gymnastics, also. Boston is doing football (which has been a disaster of a team, but has been a good lesson). They are all doing Soccer. Ethan is doing Excel and has only had one game. Aubrie and Boston are on amazing teams. Boston's team has great teamwork , and passing skills. They all hustle. Aubrie is back with the Cheetah-Bears . She is so happy to be back on that team, and Boston is loving the feeling of success again. They are all doing piano. Sophia is doing Lets Play Music, and LOVES it! I bought her a Hello Kitty CD player and she plays the CD in the morning and plays EFY CD's at night when she goes to bed!
So with all that, mixed with scouts, and activity days (for Aubrie, and for me as a leader) and all of Aubrie's homework, things are busy. I don't have much time for playing, but am happy at the pace. It keeps things moving, and keeps the kids from being idle. I still get to sit and watch my nightly shows with Ben, and all the other projects really don't matter in the long run. There is a time and season for EVERYTHING. This is my time to give to my kids. Soon they will stop needing me as much...and then I'll have tile, furniture, etc....and I'll wish I had young kids instead! Life is good! I'm enjoying every minute!