Saturday, October 3, 2009

Apple Day and Hair Ties

Ethan's Kindergarten in their "Apple Day" hats

This past week Ethan's class has been focusing on apples. Friday was apple day, where they did several projects that included apples. The teachers asked for volunteers to help with the stations. I helped with the painting station. The kids took cut apples and did the famous "apple stamp". It didn't turn out as cute as it was supposed to. Most of the artwork looked like big blobs. The kids enjoyed theme selves, so that was good enough for me. The other stations were making puppets, hats, coloring, tasting apples and picking your favorite, and helping make applesauce. After their stations, the Mom's got to stick around and watch them go through their normal morning routine, which included Calendar, days of the week, popcorn letter, etc. It was great to be there for that and see how much Ethan enjoyed it and participated. I can tell why he loves it so much. His teacher is so laid back, and makes it fun for them. It was a good morning spending time with Ethan, and meeting and getting to know other Mom's.
When I got back home I took Sophia out for some shopping. I made a run to Justice to cheer Aubrie up, and also reward her for all her hard work. She is working so hard these days. She does all her homework and activities without complaining. I'm so proud of her. I ran upstairs with the bag and put the clothes on my bed and then asked her to get something and bring it to me. She was so excited and appreciative for all her things. That makes me want to spoil her even more, when she is so appreciative. While I was out, I also bought some ribbon and hair ties so Aubrie could make special hair ties for her soccer teammates. Sh did a good job. She made two for every girl, "in case they wore piggy tails". She put them in little clear bags and put a cute note, for each girl, on envelope labels, and used them to seal the bags.
She was so excited to pass them out today. All the girls were so grateful and put them in their hair. That made Aubrie feel good. I love her giving personality. She is so good that way.