Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Caught on Film

Just some random pics to share!

Currently these are Sophia's favorite shoes. I originally bought them for church, but she wears them every day. You can tell by looking at the scuffs and scratches on the toes. This particular day she decided that these bright pink socks would look good with her ensemble. ( Did I mention she picks out her clothes every day?) Being my fourth, I have learned what battles are worth fighting. This obviously wasn't one of them. The people in Target got a kick out of her!

Last Thursday we went to AH-SO for dinner. It was the best the food has tasted, but the service was awful and it was FREEZING. Boston couldn't take it anymore and broke down and wore Aubrie's jacket. Doesn't he look so pretty in pink? He didn't realize I was capturing it on film until the second shot, obviously!

The other night, after putting Aubrie down, she remembered she needed to make a cake for a play in class. I panicked, thinking she needed to make a real cake. She told me she just needed to make one out of paper. I asked her how she planned on doing that. She told me she was going to cut three circles (all different sizes) and tape them together. In my head I imagined three circles just glued on top of each other. She came down 30 minutes with this. Well, actually it was much nicer. This is the aftermath of me running it to her school on a windy day, and her bringing it home in her backpack. She is super creative! If it was me, it would have been three circles slapped on top of each other.
Really no story with these pictures. Just can't help but whip out the camera and take random pictures of this girl. She LOVES the camera, and gives me some of the funniest looks. Speaking of LOVING the camera. The other day we took the kids hiking. Ever so often, Boston would strike a pose and say, "Wouldn't this make a good picture". He and Sophia have a lot in common!:)