Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today when Ben asked me what we had tonight, I was surprised when I realized that we had absolutely NOTHING!!! I can't remember the last time that has happened! (Well he does have a church meeting in 10 minutes, but that doesn't count.) I decided that it was time to have some fun family time. As soon as the kids got home from school, I had them crank out their piano/homework and then we headed out to the pool. Ben brought dinner to us poolside; rotisserie chicken, french bread, and strawberries. We had a great time playing Hot Tub Marco Polo (a Pribyl game), the Dunk Game (another Pribyl creation), and just sitting around eating and enjoying each others company. The kids had fun practicing their strokes in the pool, and Sophia started swimming again. The water felt so nice, and the weather was perfect. It was so hard to go inside! Things went so much more smooth when bedtime rolled around. It gave me a glimpse of summer, and I got excited.

Lately I haven't been excited for summer to come. Not because I don't want to be with my kids. I LOVE being with my kids. Just the end of school means my babies are getting another year older, especially my Ethan. He still has that sweet little boy personality, that I started to see slip from Boston this year. That means I only have another year of that innocent little boy left with Ethan. Ok, but that's life. They grow up and you have to deal with it and enjoy every stage! Right?! Well, doesn't mean I have to like it! Sometimes I think I'm meant to have a whole slew of kids, and then I realize that's crazy talk!