Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Imagination Emporium

The other day Ethan came home from school and instantly started getting out tape, scissors, paper and markers. He went right to work, coloring, cutting etc. He was super focused and knew exactly what he wanted to make. It's almost like he had the idea in his head all day at school and couldn't wait to get home to put it together. This is what he created.
I didn't pay much attention to what he was doing since I was busy with dinner, but I do remember him coloring and cutting really small robots, which he lost at one point. This creation sat on the island for several days. Finally, I asked Aubrie if she knew what it was. She told me it was an Avatar ship! Can I just say how much I LOVE this kids imagination! It never sleeps!
On a side note, here is a picture of the first time Sophia flew a kite.
I hate how I always forget about simple fun things to do. We get so much wind around here this definitely should not be the first time for her to do this! I need to write a list of simple, fun things for kids to do so I can remember. Like Hopscotch! There is my #2! It's a start!