Friday, August 13, 2010

First Family Campout

While the boys have been on many camp outs with Ben, Aubrie was starting to feel a little ripped off. We realized that Sophia was old enough for camping, and so we decided it was time for our family's first camp out. I do have some requirements when it comes to camping. First I need a bathroom, and secondly I need a table. So I brainstormed at what the best camp experience would be, and I called and made reservations for a campsite by Slide Rock. We decided a practice run would be the best idea, so one day would be a great way to test the waters. I quickly realized, as I started getting ready, that there is a lot to camping. Figuring out the food, alone, is quite the chore. And all the stuff you have to bring fills up the car quickly. The car was completely PACKED. All of us had things at our feet, even. I told Ben, when we travel elsewhere, its not like we have to pack our beds, oven, furniture, etc! The camp site by Slide Rock that I chose turned out to be amazing. Our site was right by the river, and so while we were setting up camp, the kids got their water shoes on and played in the water.

Sopia didn't waste anytime getting in her swimsuit!
It took longer than we expected to get up our tent, but besides that, camp was up and running pretty quickly.
Ben and the kids (minus Aubrie) got their suits on and went swimming in the river, while Aubrie and I went to the general store and walked the camp grounds.
We then started dinner, which was shish-kabobs, salad, and fruit. The shish-kababos turned out great.
Ben brought this game where you have to throw two weighted balls attached by a rope over bars. I'm sure it has a name. The kids had fun playing that.
Before it got dark, we took a walk, and then came back for S'mores.

Ben got this great Popeye shot of me, as smoke got in my eyes!
flaming marshmellow!!
a mouthful!
After S'mores, the kids and Ben sat around the fire, while Boston and I played that game. Then suddenly we heard Aubrie yell, "Skunk!" Before we knew it two skunks were walking around our camp ground. They then ran over the embankment that went to the river. When we looked over, there was a whole family of skunks. There was six in total. Ben quickly ran and got our neighboring campers to check it out. They hung around our campsite for about 10 minutes. At first I was really worried one of us would get sprayed, but after awhile it was fun to watch them.
"please don't spray our tent".....what we were praying for at that moment
After the skunks left and it got dark, we all piled in our tent, and played video games. Great camping activity, huh? LOL I do have to give Aubrie some credit, as she thought to bring her book and catch up on her reading!
I passed out early, and woke up around 4:30 to a deflated air mattress, and having to use the restroom. Besides that is was an uneventful night, thankfully. Sophia slept the whole time and no kids woke up complaining of cold, bathroom breaks, etc!
We finally pulled ourselves out of the tent around 7:30. We started breakfast, which was pancakes, eggs and sausage. The eggs and sausage turned out great, but the pancakes were a little doughy! We'll have to try another method with those next times. After breakfast, we broke down camp and headed to Slide Rock.
Slide Rock was fun, but the water was very cold; 65 degrees! I've been wanting to go to Slide Rock since we moved here, so it was nice to finally do it with the whole family. We stayed there for a few hours and then headed home.
The hike to find a good spot!
Checking out the "slide"
First time down for Aubrie
.....and Boston
Ben and Sophia
Trying to walk on mossy rock
We chalked the experience up to a be a success, and defiantly want to do it again. On the way home I really took in the scenery, and was amazed at how beautiful Sedona is. Even though the summers are torture, Arizona has some pretty amazing sites. As I saw licence plates from all over the country, and people from other countries, at Slide Rock, I realized how great it is that I live close to so many amazing sites, ie: Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zions, Sedona, etc. How someone can deny that there is a God when there are so many amazing natural wonders is beyond me!