Friday, August 13, 2010

Looking to the Future

So another interesting conversation with Boston while talking about birthdays that went something like this....

Boston: "The Sixteenth birthday is the most important"
Me: "Isn't the twelfth? That's when you get the priesthood!"
B: "I know, but when you turn 16 you have the priesthood, get to drive a car and date."
Me: "Your not thinking about dating now are you?"
B: "Well of course I am, I have to find a wife and get married and have a family you know".
Me: "But dating before your mission should be practice at getting to know people"
B: "Well I'll find someone and they can wait for me while I'm on my mission. Hmmm, but maybe they won't be there when I get back. Or maybe they will. But if they won't I guess I'll just have to find a new girl and CHASE her! Ok, maybe I'll just date in groups"
Me: Well you don't have to always date in groups. Maybe you and a buddy can ask two girls out and that way you can practice your dating skills, have fun, and see what kind of girl you like. You know just have fun"
B: "I know Mom, that's what I was saying"
Me: "Ok, a quiz before you get your sandwich (its lunchtime). What is the most important quality you need to look for in a girl?"
B: "Ummm.......(Pause).......that she is BEAUTIFUL!?" least he is thinking about his mission and having a family!