Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Girls Night Out

Before school started, along with our 20 hours of activities for the fall, Ben decided he wanted to take a boys camping trip. He left yesterday afternoon, as I left to take Aubrie to gymnastics. I decided since they were having a boys trip, we were going to have a girls night out. After gymnastics we grabbed dinner and then went to Despicable Me. I have never taken both girls to see a movie. Typically, Sophia does alright, but rarely sits still the whole time. Since it was a special night, I pulled out all the stops. Once the girls got seated in the theatre, I ran out to "check something" and came back with a kid Icee pack for each of them. They were so excited. Sophia kept telling me thank you through out the movie. Both of them were so good. Aubrie was her helpful self, and Sophia sat through most of it, sitting on my lap for only the last 20 minutes. The movie was very funny, and also heartwarming. The girls loved the night out together, and so did I. I'm so lucky to have two amazing girls!