Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Love One Another

Our Monday started off with us taking Sophia to the dance apparel store to get her first tap and ballet shoes, and a few dance outfits. All the kids were so excited for her. The boys sat there watching her getting fitted for her shoes, and then they started picking out leotard's and such that they thought would look cute on her. Of course, Aubrie was in on the action, too, but I just thought how sweet it was watching her brothers get excited for her. In the dressing room they were all oohing and ahhing over their favorites and how cute she was. Sophia was so excited to be trying on her clothes and shoes. She couldn't wait for her dance class that night.
After trying on several things, we walked out of there with her shoes, two CUTE leotards with tutu's and two cute pair of shorts.
After the dance store, we headed to Old Navy to get Boston some more of his favorite socks (this kid wears tennis shoes all year long) and a new pair of PJ's. He picked out a Yankee's T-shirt for his PJ top, and was a little nervous that Ben might be upset about it. I told him that he would get over it, and that he can like whatever baseball team he wanted. (Inside I'm hoping he'll switch back to the Red Sox!) After Old Navy the kids begged to go to the Mall. Tilly's was the first stop, and Boston was elated when I finally bought him the purple skinny jeans he has been wanting. We left the mall with minimal damage.
On the way home I realized that Aubrie was the only one who didn't get anything. I started to realized how mature she is getting, not complaining ONCE about it. She was more excited seeing everyone else get what they wanted.
When we got home I put Sophia down for bed, and had the kids read while I worked on my Family Home Evening Lesson. Ethan complained that he didn't want to read, but wanted to take a nap. I told him to go ahead, not believing he really wanted to nap. About twenty minutes later I found him here.
Whats up with my kids putting themselves to sleep.
I went back to my lesson, which part of it was writing the kids notes. I asked Heavenly Father that I might be inspired to say what each kid needed to hear. It was amazing how each letter was different. I felt it very important to let Boston know that I know he is great at many things (sports, school, etc) but that's not why I love him. I love him because he has a sweet gentle spirit, and even if he makes mistakes I will still love him. I know that's what he needed to hear. He is a perfectionist, I think he may feel that we love him based on how well he does. I know he needed to hear that wasn't true. I have seen a bit of a change in him since he read it. Aubrie's was just a letter of appreciation for all she does, and acknowledging how old and mature she is getting, and all the things she does that is proving that. Ethan's was all about how sweet and creative he is and how lucky I am to have him as a son. All the kids have responded so well to their letters, and Family Home Evening was amazing. It was on love and service, and the kids have really been focusing on loving one another. For each act of love someone spots, they secretly go put that person's color star on the Love chart. They are having fun with it, and its great to see how they look for opportunities to love, and how they also try to spot others showing love.