Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Circus Time

The morning after I got home from camp wasn't a day of rest either. The kids had their piano recital. The theme was show tunes. Boston played the Imperial March from Star Wars, and the Spongebob theme. Aubrie had Hedwig's theme from Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast. They both did great. The piano they played on sticks a bit, and that makes it hard for them, but they did really well for what they had to play with.
For some reason, their piano recitals always fall on a day that we have something, and so they have to go first and we leave right after. Last time it was the same day as Boston's baptism. This time we had bought tickets to the Barnum and Bailey circus that was to start an hour later. I'm sure the other students and their parents are probably thinking we are so rude to do ours first and not stay for theirs.
This time the kids didn't know that they were going to go first, because the Circus was a surprise. When we got there the kids saw the program and said, "Why do we always go first." I just commented how weird that was, and when they were done we pulled them out. They started complaining that they wanted to hear the rest of the songs and wanted to know why we were leaving. We made up some excuse about Ben having an appointment, but Aubrie is way to nosey and persistant. When I wouldn't give up details, she just kept complaining that it was dumb they couldn't stay. When we finally showed up to the circus they were so excited, and I said to Aubrie, "How do you feel about complaining that we left early now?" She got a big grin on her face and got the point!
The Circus was AMAZING! We had great seats- center aisle (important for those potty breaks) 5th row from the floor. There were so many acrobatic acts that kept us in awe the whole time. The kids enjoyed the show and all the food items, that I swear added up to be almost as much as the tickets! Really, how can they feel good about themselves selling cotton candy for 12 bucks?!!? The experience was all worth it. I was so excited when I first thought of the idea. I looked it up last year and found out they were coming. I booked tickets the day they were available and looked forward to a fun family experience. It's all about the memories for me! I knew this was the perfect time to take them, because if we waited much longer they wouldn't be excited for it like they were now. Of course, Ben and I were loving it, so who knows??!!!
Aubrie enjoying her 9 dollar snow cone and Ethan his 12 cotton candy, that came with that awesome hat! LOL

Tuckered Out!

FAKER!!! This boy NEVER sleeps in the car! Even when we go to Utah!