Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Girls Camp 2010

As usual, I wasn't overly excited for girls camp as is was quickly approaching. I feel like this every time. It's not that I don't like girls camp. I LOVE it! It's the anxiety of preparing and leaving my kids, that I don't like. But every year, after its over, I LOVE the experience, and am ready to volunteer for the next year, knowing it's all worth it.

This year, to my surprise, I got all but 2 of the same girls I had last year. I was so excited for that. My girls were AWESOME. When I mean awesome, I mean so respectful, kind to one another, and fun. My fellow Cabin Mom seemed so great from the first time I met her, and so I had absolutely no anxiety about my cabin. I was wishing that I had the same cabin as last year, but I was happy with my girls and cabin Mom so there definitely was no room for complaints!

After the cabin assignments were made, the Camp director sent some emails out about cabin changes. Each time I checked my list of girls and was happy to see that there were no changes. As I was waiting for my ride the first morning of camp, I went to double check where my cabin was and when I looked down at the last revised list, I noticed that the location of my cabin had been changed to the cabin that I had last year. I was so excited! Ben couldn't understand how something like that could get me so excited. Well the location of the cabin is right in front of the kitchen and the Ramada, where most everything goes on. It really is a great spot. It was also great, because it felt like a true reunion for me and my girls, being in the same spot! I believe that the Lord does give us some of our most simple desires!!
Girls camp was amazing this year. The camp seemed much more peaceful, and there were no problems with girls being mean, etc. I attribute that to a Stake decision to put 2 YCL's in each cabin, instead of giving them their own cabin. They provided a peer example for the girls the entire time, and it also helped the YCL's become more responsible. It was a great experience.
This year there was also a new group of ladies, that I really enjoyed getting to know better. But honestly, most of my time was spent with my girls. I spent more time with them, and my fellow cabin Mom than anything else. I also spent time helping out in the kitchen, which gave me an even greater appreciation for what they do!
One thing different this year about my own personal experience, was that I missed Aubrie more than ever. I kept seeing the little first years, and kept thinking about her and how she would be there in two more more summers. With each experience, I pictured her there and how she would respond to each activity, etc. I couldn't stop thinking about her, and I missed her so much! I really can't believe how fast she has grown, and it really hit me how much growing up she will do in just a few years!
Some of my greater highlights of camp included; my cabins talent show. They did an awesome job and it got a lot of laughs. They did this beauty pageant, and all of them had quirky characteristics!
I also loved working on the rope of virtue. Girls walked this rope blindfolded and the people working the rope would stop them, and whisper something to them. I spoke to them about the importance of studying the Gospel, and how it would help them now and with their future family. It was amazing to see the reaction on their faces. I especially loved when they recognized my voice, and started to cry. I loved putting my arm around each girl and speaking to them. It was so personal, and spiritual! Another highlight was when Kayleen Brazelton, one of my graduated YW from the old ward, came up to camp as I was working the rope. She came through the rope course. She is like a younger sister to me, and I was so excited as she approached me on the rope course. When she heard my voice, we both hugged each other tightly. It made me think of what it will be like when we are reunited with loved ones on the other side. Great tears and hugs will be shared, I'm sure!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that the Brazleton's (specifically the Dad) played a joke on me. Last year, with the nudging of some other ladies at camp (names will be withheld) , I replaced his sports pillow case with a YW pillow case. This year he retaliated by buying me a princess crown and requiring that I wear it to every meal, in order to get my food. I thought I could get away without wearing it, but my girls would tell him if I didn't and he would not give me my meal. (He and his wife worked in the kitchen) I tried every meal to get my food without it, but was ratted out each time. Luckily I had the cabin close by, so I didn't have far to get it. I have to give them credit for a funny idea, that wasn't malicious! My girls had a fun time getting in on it, too! It was a bit embarrassing though, as I saw people looking at me with the look of , "why does she have that silly crown on".
As the last day approached, I was sad to say goodbye, and hope that I am lucky enough to serve at YW camp next year. My chances aren't as likely unless I'm called to the Stake. Again, simple desires....right?;)
West Wing
1st years (Aubrie in 2 years!)

Second Years
Third Years

Fourth Years
Cabin Moms
(Shannon Baugh, Terri Moore, Carla Hansen, Diane Sheats, Melissa Stocking, & me)