Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hiking the Y (Day 2)

Thursday morning came early for me, as I rolled over wide awake only to see the clock say 6:30!! That made NO sense since Utah time was an hour later. I should have been waking up at 8:30! I sat there contemplating putting on my work out clothes and hitting the gym. But then I was afraid I might wake everyone up. I'm glad I didn't work out, because the hike was a work out in itself!

We finally made it out of the hotel by 9:00. Breakfast was a stop at Jamba Juice and Great Harvest. We got our water supply at the BYU creamery on our way to the trail head. The kids were excited to see how high up we were, just at the parking lot. Sophia was the most excited, but of course she gets to ride on Ben's back all the way up. Ethan started complaining early on, and Aubrie complained because she had hurt her side in diving a few days before. It was a steep hike, and since we didn't get to the trail until around 10, it was also very warm. The switchbacks were short, but kids needed lots of breaks. Sophia on the other hand kept telling Ben not to stop. What a nice way to hike!
We finally got to the top around 11:00. The kids were so excited once they got to the top, and Ben and I were a little nervous as they were wanting to walk around the Y! We all sat down and had a snack and some water. We enjoyed the view for about 10 minutes, and then headed back down. Aubrie said it hurt her side even more going down. I felt bad for her, but half way down she forgot about it. It was a good time, despite the complaints. Believe it or not, that was my first time EVER hiking the Y! All the years I went there, and all the time I had friends foolishly hike it at midnight....I somehow never made it up there. It was great way to hike it for the first time...with my family!
This kid always like to pretend he his falling!

Dandelion anyone?

After the hike we went to the bookstore. The kids had fun picking out a few things. Actually, I don't think Boston got anything except a toothbrush that he forgot to pack!
After the bookstore, we walked around campus a bit. I dragged the family to the Widstoe building for a peek in the anatomy lab. What a rush of memories flooding back to me. I used to be an Anatomy TA, and the smell of that formaldehyde definitely brought back those memories of endless hours in the lab! I loved walking around campus, and realized how much I took for granted the beauty of it. It really is so beautiful there. I really hope my kids have the opportunity to attend BYU! What an amazing experience it is to go there.

After our walk on campus, we headed to Cafe Rio (YUM) for lunch! That place is ALWAYS a zoo, but it was worth it! We then went back to the hotel. I took off with the older three to the mall, while Ben stayed behind and napped with Sophia. The kids had fun at the mall. Boston tried to talk me into buying Ethan some skinny jeans that they found at the Gap, and Aubrie had fun finding all these cute clothes for Sophia. She loves picking out clothes for her. I nixed the skinny jeans, and got Sophia a great stash for school.! Hard to believe she will be starting preschool this fall. Anyway, Boston kept bugging me to buy Ethan the jeans the whole time. Ethan didn't really care too much about them, which was funny. Boston even offered to pay for some of them. Gotta say that was pretty generous of him to want to spend his own money to help his brother dress "cool"! lol We did find Ben an awesome Boston Red Sox tie during our shopping expedition. After about an hour or so at the mall, Ben called and was ready for us to come back. We picked them up and grabbed dinner at Jersey Mikes and caught a movie with Amber and her husband. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that we saw Eclipse. Not because there is anything wrong with Eclipse, but because we took all the kids. The older 3 have seen the first two. They are way into the series. Boston was so excited for it to come out. I just figured Sophia would fall asleep during the movie, but she never did. And then there were some kissing scenes I didn't expect. Usually we screen ALL PG 13 movies before we let our kids watch them. I figured this one would be like the rest. Guess I learned my lesson, as I sat there thinking that the people around us were wondering why we would have our 6 and wide awake 3 year old with us! Oh well! Lesson learned, but for the record it was MUCH better than the first two! After the movie Ben took the kids swimming, minus Aubrie. She wanted to stay behind. I think she was hoping for a round of Yatzee, but seemed disappointed when all I did was crawl into bed. That 6:30 wake up and hike to Y, tuckered this old Mom out and I had another day of hiking ahead of me!!