Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Party 2010

So I can't really believe that the tradition from North Carolina still lives....the Gift Exchange Party! The past few years I dread it come Sept! Its not because its hard to put on (we just order Olive Garden & I have given up on cleaning my floors before a party! Whats the point?) It's because after going through 3 ward splits you get to know a lot of people. People that have come to previous ones and you want to enjoy in the fun! I wish I had a HUGE family room and plenty of seating for everyone, but I don't, and the exchange could take all night that way! Every year as I make up the list, I say to myself, "This is the Last!" Then we have an amazing time, and I can't wait till the next one....until around Sept! And the cycle starts over again! This year Ben and I decided it was time to invite new couples and mix things up a bit. We liked how that turned out and will do it again. Its a great party for fellow shipping! That's our goal! This year we had more than ever before (I couldn't widdle the list down) and we actually ran out of food! This years best gift was a gerbil (or was it a hamster?)...any how, who cares! The idea was BRILLIANT!!! It was the best gift in all these years! Kudos goes to the Despain's for bringing that one! I can't wait to see what they bring next year! The Justin Beiber doll was surprisingly a hit! I walked away with a cute Christmas apron (that I was just thinking earlier that day I needed) and I can't even remember what Ben got! See what happens when you blog a month later!


The Headrick Family said...

Missed your party this year:( Guess that happens when we move away. Hope you guys are doing well, loved your Christmas card!