Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thanksgiving 2010

This Thanksgiving was spent with my twin brothers and my Mom. Ben started the morning with a Turkey Bowl at the nearby park. The boys and Aubrie went with him.
I took Sophia and hit the gym. After the gym, I came home and got started on a few dishes. I made most of them the night before. Then I prepared the Turkey and got it in the oven! This year Ben fried a Turkey and I cooked one, trying a new recipe. I took two recipes off line and combined what I thought to be the best parts. Mine took about 2 hours to cook, and it came out so savory and juicy! I will be using that recipe from now on! As for Ben's; we were a little nervous at first to fry one, because we heard all the horror stories about fires! Ben followed the directions and the Turkey was done in 45 mintutes and tasted AMAZING! We had nice spread, and enjoyed a wonderful meal! We had all the family dishes; sweet potatoe casserole, shoe peg casserole, my Mom's amazing stuffing, mashed potoatoes, and Strawberry Jello Salad.

We also went around the table and said what we were thankful for while we ate! Billy and Joe were responsible for the pies. They came through with some Marie Calendar pies, that none of us have room for. I don't know why we have make or buy dessert for Thanksgiving! Of course, we made room later!
Whats left of my Turkey after Ben got done carving it with the nice electric knife he got from my Dad for Christmas last year!