Monday, March 1, 2010

Hazard Free Yard....Finally!

So When we moved here, we bought an awesome swing set from Sams. It had tonz of cool features, but we quickly learned that cool features doesn't mean great construction. Wood started to split, and Ben tried replacing a few pieces of wood that ended up creating our "leaning tower". That's what I liked to call it. I knew it was bad when my Dad commented on it when he was here for a visit. I knew it was time to check Craigslist for a used Rainbow set. They are great sets, but much too pricey for me to feel good about buying new. I knew the EXACT set I wanted and started to feel frustrated when I couldn't find anything I wanted on Craigslist. A week prior I finally found the set I wanted, but when Ben drove all the way to Mesa to check it out, we were left disappointed. It was extremely old and full of splinters.

Well, two Friday's ago, my prayers were finally answered. (Is it ok to pray for a swing set? LOL). I had just come off a really long day, and from a night with NO sleep. Ben came home a little early, to let me get a quick nap before our date. As I was trying to fall asleep, something said "Check for swing sets". I brushed it off wanting a nap so badly. Again, something said, "Check for swing sets RIGHT NOW!" I quickly got up grabbed my computer and there it was....the EXACT swing set I wanted and for a GREAT deal. We quickly called the people for availability and they said it was ours if we wanted it. We rushed Aubrie off to Dance, and then headed over to Anthem to look. It was in PERFECT condition. It was only a year old, and had just been stained. We called the swing set "movers" and made an appointment with them to get it the next day! I don't know who was more excited, me or the kids? Ben woke up early the next morning to tear the other one down. Aubrie had fun helping.

When I came home from my girls day out (next post) the leaning tower was gone, and here is what stood in it's place.
Silly as it may sound, I know that Heavenly Father not only hears our prayers for needs, but wants, too. Of course, maybe he could see a hurt kid in our future with the old one, and decided to help us out a little! Either way, I know his hand is in everything!!!