Monday, March 1, 2010

Week of Valentines

Valentines week was pretty busy here. First, Boston had to make his own Valentine box, which was originally my idea, but didn't realize they were going to make it a contest. So instead of me being able to throw something together, I had to be creative. If I was more prepared for it, I could have really got into it, but amongst all my other things, I just didn't have time. Luckily I had this left over wrapping paper, that I used to wrap the kids Valentines gifts with, and Boston glued on these candy hearts (well I did most of them), and he also went through my scrap booking stuff to decorate the rest!
Here are the Valentines presents we put together for their teachers.
My Valentines from Ethan!
This year for Valentines I decided that candy wasn't going to be under our Valentines tree. I went to Tilly's and found some great deal on clothes for Aubrie and Boston, and bought Ethan some legos, and Sophia a Dora Book. I put the gifts out early that week, (without tags) and the kids went through the same routine everyday; shaking the gifts and trying to figure out whose was whose. It was like Christmas again, only on a less stressful scale!
Friday I spent ALL day at the school. I helped out in all the kids classes, and luckily their parties were all at different times. It's funny because I started out in Ethan's class and there were about 7 Mom's in there, and we all stayed busy helping with stations and such.
Cookie Decorating
Then when I got to Bostons there were about 5 Mom's there and we basically stood around just watching our kids have fun.
Boston's teacher made the kids these little notebooks where all the student's wrote to each other. Most of Boston's messages included things like, "you are so funny", and "you are so nice". What a great idea to help a child feel like they are loved for Valentines!
Valentine Delivery time! Boston handed out Sports cards and pencils to the boys, and complained that I bought Tinker Bell for the girls. In his own words, "Why didn't you buy Twilight or something Mom?" Do second graders watch Twilight? I mean I know he does, but really?
When I got to Aubrie's class there were only 3 Mom's there, and I spent the whole time talking to the teacher. I kept asking if there was anything I could do to help, and then I was realizing that Aubrie's age doesn't need help like my sweet little Ethan. She was happy to see me and give me a hug, but she just wanted to socialize and have fun with her friends. Not like EThan's class, that NEEDED us! Wow, what will it be like when I'm not needed by any of my kids anymore? I don't think I'll like it!
My Camera died by the time I got to Aubrie's class. Here is what she made in class. It's Arizona if your wondering. Nothing like your kid telling you the night before, "Oh, Mom I need to make 3 different colors of playdoh and have a 12x12 cardboard cut out by tomorrow!"
Saturday Ben and I spent our Valentines dinner with some new friends. Ben and I have realized that most of our friendships are with people from church. While that is good, it's also important to fellowship out of the walls of the church building. We made some good friends through soccer and finally made plans to go out. We ate at a place called the Arrowhead Grill. Honestly, I thought it was like a burger type of joint. Boy was I wrong! It was a high priced restaurant whose head chef used to work for places like Ruth's Chris, etc. I told Ben that was the fanciest dinner I have ever had. He didn't believe me at first, (being he has been wined and dined (minus the wine lol) when he worked for IBM and Microsoft. He realized what a cheap date I have been all these years! We had a great time with our new friends, and the food was delish! (That means the dessert passed my test!)
Valentines Morning the kids were excited to open their Valentines Day Gifts (no we won't be having St. Patty's gifts, too, if that's what your thinking). The kids were all happy with what they got, and they still got candy from Grandma. Most of it eventually got added to Sophia's potty jar! LOL
First ones on the scene! Boston....always the poser!
Ethan isn't quite awake yet!
Think she likes her bear from Grandma?
...or the candy?
Legos for Ethan!
Pullover for Boston..."matches my red skinny jeans!" (He bought them with his own money fyi!)
Hat and a few shirts for Aubrie
Bath and Body for Grandma
.....and a purple tie for Ben that her likes!!!
Did I mention lately how much I LOVE purple? Oh and a pair of Miss Me jeans from Ben that had to go back! Thanks for thinking of me babe!
Oh....and can't forget the heart pancakes for breakfast!