Monday, March 1, 2010

Suns Game

Aubrie's dance team had the opportunity to perform for the Suns half time show last Wednesday. Last year they did the pregame game show, which honestly wasn't as exciting. This time they had a much bigger audience! Aubrie was super excited, and so was Boston, because it gave him the opportunity to go to the game! Funny what one year can do for a kid. Last year, Boston was sorta into the game, but ready to go by half time. This year he was was upset when we left with 5 minutes on the clock to avoid traffic. We let him listen to the game on the way home, and avoided ALL traffic.
Aubrie did great, as did the rest of her team. We had nosebleed seats, but still had a good view of the court. Ethan was more interested in the food and wanting to rest on our laps. Even though we ate before the game, Boston had nachos (his new favorite) and Ethan had this huge cookie, which he was done with after a few bites.
After the half time performance, we thought we could make a quick exit with Aubrie, without Boston figuring it out. We were surprised when Aubrie said she wanted to stay and watch the game, so that's why we ended up staying. Aubrie was getting into the game with the rest of us.

It was a great time! I'm beggining to see the dynamics of our little family changing, as a bigger portion is actually enjoying a sporting event! Spring training games and BYU football here we come!:)