Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is it really 4th quarter? ( my letter to Ethan)

Is it really 4th quarter? It seems like only a few months ago I was dropping my baby (Ethan) off for Kindergarten and trying to hold back the tears! Now he is almost done. Today I had my final parent-teacher conference with Ethan's teacher. She had nothing but good things to say about him. I know I won't remember it all, so here's for you Ethan, when your reading this in our blog book one day!

She said how much she has enjoyed having you in her class. You keep her laughing, and know when it's appropriate to be funny and when to cut it off! She said that you are a born leader and that everyone loves you. She said that is a good thing, because you are a good leader, setting a good example for all to follow. She said you have an amazing imagination, and pay so much attention to detail in everything you do. She said you are doing great in your of the brightest in the class. She also said that your class is the best she has ever had, and will be sad when the school year is over. So how lucky you were to have such an amazing class and great teacher for your first year of school? I'm so happy that Heavenly Father helped me make the right choice and put you in West Wing. It was a hard choice, waiting to the last minute, but I know it was the right one! Remember Heavenly Father is always there to help you make the right choice. Mom loves you and is so proud of who you are! Always stay true to that!